Wednesday, October 31, 2012

7B "Tell Tale Heart"

Write a paragraph of 4-5 sentences in response to one of the discussion prompts provided by your classmates. Format as follows:
Topic sentence (state your opinion and the main reason for your opinion).
Supporting example (Give an example from the story- even better to mention the chapter)
Explain how that example supports your opinion. (This could be more than one sentence if you feel that is necessary)
Concluding Sentence (Persuasively restate your opinion)


Is the narrator crazy?

Were the police on to him?

What was Poe's inspiration for these stories?

Was Poe mad?

What (if anything) differentiates Poe from his narrator?

Why does Poe choose the beating heart? Is it symbolic?

What is the tell tale heart?

6B Wind in the Willows Reflection

Write a paragraph of 4-5 sentences in response to one of the discussion prompts provided by your classmates. Format as follows:
Topic sentence (state your opinion and the main reason for your opinion).
Supporting example (Give an example from the story- even better to mention the chapter)
Explain how that example supports your opinion. (This could be more than one sentence if you feel that is necessary)
Concluding Sentence (Persuasively restate your opinion)

Why do Toad's friends continue to help him in spite of his wrongdoings?

Why does Toad always run from trouble? What would it take for him to face it?

Why is Toad never ashamed of himself?

Why did Badger keep the secret from Toad? Why does he tell him now? Were these choices wise?

6A Wind in the Willows Reflection

Write a paragraph of 4-5 sentences in response to one of the discussion prompts provided by your classmates. Format as follows:
Topic sentence (state your opinion and the main reason for your opinion).
Supporting example (Give an example from the story- even better to mention the chapter)
Explain how that example supports your opinion. (This could be more than one sentence if you feel that is necessary)
Concluding Sentence (Persuasively restate your opinion)

Why did his friends not return to Rat to prison for his safety and the benefit of society?

 Has Toad changed as a result of any of his adventures?

Was Badger wise in revealing the secret tunnel to Toad?

What kind of relationship do you think Toad had with his family?

Why is Toad always changing his mind?

Sunday, October 21, 2012


7A is back to their former glory with a 97% class average on last week's vocabulary and grammar quiz!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

7A/B Complete "Ligeia" Word list

Ligeia by Edgar Allen Poe
Words are listed in order of appearance in the text.

placid – (adj.) calm, peaceful
enthralling – (v./adj.) captivating
eloquence – (n.) fluent and powerful speech
The Rhine – West German River
paternal  (adj.) of the father
institute –(v.) establish
caprice –(n.) a whim; sudden impulse or desire
shrine – (n.) alter or chapel
wan—(adj.) pale, from illness or exhaustion
idolatrous – (adj.) worshipping idols
presided – (v.) held authority over
ill-omened – (adj.) doomed
emaciated – (v.) made thin and feeble (by disease)
opium – (n.) stimulant drug
*Daughters of Delos - The three daughters of king Anius of Delos, Oeno (wine), Spermo (wheat) and Elais (oliveoil). Their grandfather was Dionysus, and he gave them the powers to change water into wine, grass into wheat and berries into olives. When the Greek fleet set out to make war in Troy, the daughters stocked their ships. Agamemnon then kidnapped them. Dionysus saved them by turning them into white doves.
Bacon, Lord Verulam - Francis Bacon, born in London, 1561. He was a brilliant writer and philospher. He originated the saying, "Knowledge is Power". Bacon's actual quote, paraphrased by Poe in "Ligeia" is, "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion."
genera – (n.) plural of genus; classified type
repose—(n./v.) rest; sleep
Homeric(adj) Of or relating to the Ancient Greek poet philosopher Homer
epithet – (n.) expression; A characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing.
hyancinthine – (adj.) of the color of a hyacinth, which is a reddish-blue or deep purple flower or gemstone
aquiline – (adj.) curved/hooked like an eagle’s beak
voluptuous – (adj.) full and luxurious
*Cleomenes – King of Sparta from 232-222 BCE
*Nourjahad –A story in which the title character claims what he wants most is everlasting life and riches. A series of experiences teaches Nourjahad the vanity of his desire, and he is humbled at the end.
Houri of the Turk - One of the beautiful maidens that in Muslim belief live with the blessed in paradise. intrench (entrench) – (v.) to establish firmly
The well of Democritus - According to legend, the well of Democritus was bottomless. Democritus is known for laying the foundation for the modern atomic theory, declaring that matter cannot be destroyed but merely changes form.
Twin stars of Leda - In Greek mythology, Castor and Pollux were twins born of Leda and fathered by Zeus, who disguised himself as a swan and seduced her. The twins are also the two brightest stars in the Gemini constellation.
anomalies—(n.) nontraditional things
derived—(v.) to obtain; to get from a source
chrysalis—(n.) teenage years of an insect’s development
*Star of the 6th Magnitude –Magnitude measures brightness with 6th being the faintest
*Lyra – Small, harp-shaped constellation
Joseph Glanvill - (1636-1680) an English writer, philosopher, and clergyman. He wrote Sadducismus Triumphatus, which contained a valuable collection of seventeenth century folklore about witches.
volition—(n.) use of one’s own will
tumultuous—(adj.) rocky; difficult
modulation—(v.) to adjust or regulate
Classical tongues—Greek and Latin and Hebrew
proficient—(adj.) skilled
abstruse—(adj.) difficult to understand
erudition—(n.) deep, extensive learning
traversed—(v.) to travel
etaphysical – (adj.) of or relating to the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence, truth, and knowledge
thereal – (adj.) light and delicate; heavenly
oignant –(adj.) arousing sympathy; keenly felt
enighted – (adj.) overtaken by night
Transcendentalism – (n) the philosophy that reality cannot be known and the Divine is the guiding principle of man
lustre (luster) –(n) the soft brightness of  a smooth or shiny surface
lambent – (adj.) (of flame or light) playing on a surface without burning it, soft radiance
*Saturnian Lead – alchemical symbol relating the metal to the god Saturn, the god of harvest & time, who qualities are limitation, protection, and restraint
effulgence – (n) radiance
impetuously – (adv) quickly, violently; impulsively
*Grim Azrael – The angel of death in Judaism & Islam
impotent – (adj) powerless; unable to take action
solace – (n) comfort in distress
convulsive – (adj) producing a violent upheaval or motion of the body
hearkened – (v) listened
aspirations – (n) strong desires or ambitions
dilate – (v) to make or become larger; to speak or write at length
vehemence – (n) strong, intense feeling
gala – (n) a festive occasion
throng – (n) a crowded mass of people
motley – (adj) diversified in color or character
mimic rout –(n) imitated defeat
seraphs – (n) members of the highest orders of angels in ancient Christian beliefs
imbued – (v) filled with certain feelings, qualities, or opinions
pallid – (adj) pale, lacking color
spasmodic – (adj) occurring at irregular intervals
abbey – (n) a building occupied by monks or nuns living in a community
verdant – (adj) (of grass or fields) green
perversity – (n) obstinate action against what is reasonable or required
dotage – (n) a state of weakness of mind caused by old age
incipient – (adj) in its early stages; beginning
cornices – (n) ornamental mouldings around the walls of a room just below the ceiling
bedlam – (n) a mental institution
trammels – (n) things that hamper one’s activities; dragnets for catching fish
whither – to make or become shriveled
alienation – (n) causing someone to become unfriendly or hostile
*Tremaine – a small village in Cornwall, England
moment – (n) importance
turret – (n) a small, tower-like projection on a wall
castellated – (adj) having turrets
trellice – a light framework of crossing wooden or metal bars used to support climbing plants
fretted – (adj) decorated with carved or embossed work
*Gothic – (adj) of the style of architecture common in western Europe in the 12th – 16th centuries, with pointed arches and rich stone carvings
*Druidical – like one of an ancient celtic priesthood appearing as a magician or a wizard
censer – (n) a container in which incense is burned, swung on chains in a religious ceremony to disperse its fragrance
Saracenic(adj) relating to the nomadic people of the deserts between Syria and Arabia
perforations –(n) holes pierced through, often in rows so that parts may be torn off easily
endued – (v) furnished with (powers, qualities, etc.)
particolored – (adj) colored partly in one color and partly in another or others
sarcophagus – (n) a stone coffin, often decorated with carvings
*Luxor - The temple of Luxor was built in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes in1390 BC.
immemorial – (adj) existing from before what can be remembered or has been recorded
volutes – (n) spiral, scroll-like ornaments such as can be found at the top of an Ionic capital
arabesque – (n) an elaborate design with intertwined leaves, branches, and scrolls
contrivance – (n) a plan
Norman – A native or inhabitant of Normandy
phantasmagoric – rapidly shifting, imagined
disquietude – (n) a state of uneasiness or anxiety
august – (adj) majestic, imposing
fettered – (adj) chained or shackled about the ankles
glens – (n) narrow valleys
ardor – (n) great warmth of feeling
perturbed –(adj) greatly disturbed; made anxious or uneasy
distemper – (n) a disease of dogs and other animals with coughing and weakness
convalescent – (adj) regaining health after illness; bedridden
epoch – (n) a particular period of history
chronic – (adj) (of a disease) affecting a person for a long time
eradicated – (v) gotten rid of; removed all traces of
pertinaciously – (adv) persistently, determinedly
alluded – (v) referred to casually or indirectly in speaking or writing
inarticulate – (adj) not expressed in words
decanter –(n) a stoppered glass bottle
forbore –(v) refrained from
palpable (adj) able to be touched or felt
menials –(n) servants
engendered – (v) gave rise to
precipitate – (adj) headlong; violently hurried
tenanted – (v/adj) rented from a landlord; occupied
supervened – (v) occurred as an interruption
betook –(v) caused oneself to go or move
chafed – (v) warmed by rubbing
livid – (adj) of the color of lead, bluish-grey; furiously

minutely – (adv) precisely
revivification – (n) the act of giving new life to
irredeemable – (adj) unable to be saved or recovered
hitherto – (avd) until this time
dissolution – (n) the dissolving of an assembly or partnership
unwonted – (adj) not customary or usual
charnel – (adj) a place in which the bodies or the bones of the dead are kept
apparition – (n) a ghost
tumult – (n) an uproar; a state of confusion or agitation
unappeasable – (adj) unable to be made calm or quiet by making concessions
 malady – (n) an illness or disease