Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Essay Outline 1 Format

Full Name
8A Lit Comp
Essay Outline 1

Working Title
Thesis Statement: written as a complete sentence and underlined.

Topic Sentence 1
Lead In 1A
Quote 1A
Lead In 1B
Quote 1B

Topic Sentence 2
Lead In 2A
Quote 2A
Lead In 2B
Quote 2B

Topic Sentence 3
Lead In 3A
Quote 3A
Lead In 3B

Quote 3B

Saturday, September 14, 2013

8A Lord of the Flies Essay

Hello, 8A!

Welcome (back) to the Lit Comp Blog!

I just wanted to give you some reminders about the essays you've begun, particularly as I will be at the School Master Conference in Prescott Monday and Tuesday. I've listed the remaining steps and their due dates below! I then made additional reminders/notes on steps 1-3.

1. Refined Thesis (due today, 9/13). Please reference tips below. You may e-mail me your thesis if you want additional feedback!
2. Outline (due Monday 9/16) Utilize the handout from today's class. This should be COMPLETE so that you can utilize your time in computer lab first thing Monday morning to begin typing your essay. You may seek feedback from peers and teachers on your essay. You can also hand-write prior to typing if you want to utilize the time in class. (This will allow you to type up your rough draft more quickly and provide you the opportunity to make revisions as you type.)
3. Rough Draft- Body Paragraphs (due Wednesday 9/18) These should be typed and either e-mailed to me or saved and shared as a google doc. *Discuss the acquisition of any new e-mail address with your parents prior to creating one!
4. Complete Rough Draft (due Wednesday 9/25) This draft should include any revision from feedback given on the body paragraphs.
5. Final Essay (due Monday 9/30) The final rubric will be attached when I return your rough draft! This will include editing for conventions, organization, style, and presentation.

Additional Notes:

1. Make sure your thesis is solid before you complete the outline.
Reminders: Your thesis makes a claim that must be proven or demonstrated.
Your thesis follows this format:
Subject --> ACTION VERB --> Object (Thesis 1), Object (Thesis 2), and Object (Thesis 3)
Sample actions verbs:
symbolize, signify, embody, represent, denote, convey, prove, establish, reveal, determine, explore, examine

Sample thesis statement:
In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the island allegorically portrays the destruction, fear, and death of a war-torn world.

2. Complete your outline of the body paragraphs. Make sure you have 2 quotes for every thesis claim.
Write out the quotes you want to use (as well as the page numbers) so that you don't have to keep looking them up! Before you ask, yes, every quote requires an introduction and an explanation.

Introduce a quote: Give context - briefly tell what was happening in the story at the point of the quote.
Cite your quote: We are using MLA citation. As long as you have given the Author's name and the title of the book in your essay, you can cite with just the page number in parentheses before the end punctuation.
Example: "And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy" (202).
Explain your quote: How does this specific quote support your claim? What does it show or prove?

3. Translate your outline into 3 body paragraphs. This should be typed. Formatting as follows:
Normal (1 inch) margins
Size 12 font
TRIPLE SPACED (to allow me to write feedback between lines)
Heading: Right Justified
Title: Center (don't worry, you can change your title!)
Paragraphs: Left Justified. Indent first line.
See the sample below.



          Paragraph 1 begins here. Make sure your sentences are clear and logical. Check for spelling,

grammatical, and punctuation errors.

          Do not skip extra lines between paragraphs. They will only be delineated by the indentation.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Diagram of a Ship

Seeing as we are embarking on our study of Treasure Island, I thought it may be helpful for the students to have a map of a typical ship from that era.  This may help to make sense of naval terms that crop up.

Let me know if you'd like a larger image.  I can print one out.

Miss Fischer

Friday, December 7, 2012

Johnny Tremain Chapter 4 Glossary

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Chapter 4 Glossary
Section 1

Contentment (n): satisfaction with what one has
Wary (adj): cautious; looking out for danger or difficulty
Ledgers (n): books used by businesses to record income and expenses
Barrier (n): something that prevents or controls advance, access or progress
Suitors (n): men courting women
Invoices (n): lists of goods sent or services performed with prices and charges; bill
Gibe (n): a jerering remark
Bidding (n): command
Sanctuary (n): a sacred place of protection
Contrasting (adj): differing or opposing
Jutting (adj): projecting
Tallow (adj): like animal fat
Threshold (n): a piece of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway
Elated (adj): feeling pleased, happy or prud
Prodigal (adj): wasteful with money or resources
Cherubic (adj): like an angel with a plump face

Section 2

Cordially (adv): in warm and friendly way
exuberant (adj) full of high spirits; very lively (adj): lacking self-confidence
spinster (n): an unmarried woman
paring (v): trimming by cutting away edges
translucent (adj): allowing light to pass through
pompous (adj): full of ostentatious dignity and self importance
Whig (n): A supporter of the American Revolution
Tory (n): colonist loyal to England
Immaculate (adj): spotlessly clean; free from fault

Section 3

Apparition (n): ghost
Assent (n): agreement
Yonder (adv): over there
Alias (n): a false name
Nonchalance (adj): calm, casual
Florid (adj): elaborate or innate

Indenture (n): a written agreement or contract

Section 4

Section 5

Friday, November 30, 2012

Johnny Tremain Ch 3 Glossary

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Chapter 3 Glossary

Section 1

apt (adj): suitable, appropriate, having a tendency or liking
scornful (adj): feeling or showing dislike
flourish (v): to prosper
headlong (adv): falling or plunging with head first; in a hasty or rash way
gilded (adj): covered with a thin layer of gold
negotiating (v): trying to reach agreement by discussion
johnnycake (n): a corn-meal flat bread
taverns (n): bars
genial (adj): kindly pleasant and cheerful
aloof (adj): unconcerned
nonchalantly (adv): not caring
belligerent (adj): waging a war

Section 2

diffidently (adj): lacking self-confidence
impotence (n): a lack of power
gumption (n): common sense or initiative
felon(n): a person who has committed a crime
cuff (n): the part of a glove or shirt covering the wrist

Section 3

rakish (adj): debonair or jaunty in appearance or manner
promenade (n): a leisurely walk in a public place; a paved-public walk (esp. at the sea)
riggers (n): people who provide clothes or equipment; fit with sails or topes
chaises (n): a light, open carriage
gimlet (n): a small tool with a screw-like tip
gait (n): a manner of walking or running
mantua (n): fancy woman’s dress of the 1600s
milliners (n): people who make or sell women’s hats
bean pole (n): a tall, thin pole for supporting bean plants
ciphering (v): writing in a code; solving by arithmetic

Section 4

gastric (adj): of the stomach
alewife (n): a fish of North Atlantic
mere (adj): nothing more than or better than what is specified
basting (v): thrashing or moistening with fat during cooking
assuage (v): to sooth or make less severe; to satisfy
squabs (n): young pigeons
chagrined (adj): affected by a feeling of annoyance, embarrassment, or disappointment
peddler (n): a person who goes from house to house selling small articles
nicety (n): precision; subtle distinction or detail; dainty or refined elegance
wattles (n): a red fleshy flap of skin on the neck of a bird

Section 5

gallows (n): a framework with a suspended noose for the hanging of criminals
marshes (n): low-lying, watery ground
spinet (n): s kind of small piano or harpsichord
sparsely (adv): thinly scattered; not dense
skirting (v): going or situating along the edge of
frenzied (adj): in a state of violence or agitation