Friday, November 30, 2012

Johnny Tremain Ch 3 Glossary

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Chapter 3 Glossary

Section 1

apt (adj): suitable, appropriate, having a tendency or liking
scornful (adj): feeling or showing dislike
flourish (v): to prosper
headlong (adv): falling or plunging with head first; in a hasty or rash way
gilded (adj): covered with a thin layer of gold
negotiating (v): trying to reach agreement by discussion
johnnycake (n): a corn-meal flat bread
taverns (n): bars
genial (adj): kindly pleasant and cheerful
aloof (adj): unconcerned
nonchalantly (adv): not caring
belligerent (adj): waging a war

Section 2

diffidently (adj): lacking self-confidence
impotence (n): a lack of power
gumption (n): common sense or initiative
felon(n): a person who has committed a crime
cuff (n): the part of a glove or shirt covering the wrist

Section 3

rakish (adj): debonair or jaunty in appearance or manner
promenade (n): a leisurely walk in a public place; a paved-public walk (esp. at the sea)
riggers (n): people who provide clothes or equipment; fit with sails or topes
chaises (n): a light, open carriage
gimlet (n): a small tool with a screw-like tip
gait (n): a manner of walking or running
mantua (n): fancy woman’s dress of the 1600s
milliners (n): people who make or sell women’s hats
bean pole (n): a tall, thin pole for supporting bean plants
ciphering (v): writing in a code; solving by arithmetic

Section 4

gastric (adj): of the stomach
alewife (n): a fish of North Atlantic
mere (adj): nothing more than or better than what is specified
basting (v): thrashing or moistening with fat during cooking
assuage (v): to sooth or make less severe; to satisfy
squabs (n): young pigeons
chagrined (adj): affected by a feeling of annoyance, embarrassment, or disappointment
peddler (n): a person who goes from house to house selling small articles
nicety (n): precision; subtle distinction or detail; dainty or refined elegance
wattles (n): a red fleshy flap of skin on the neck of a bird

Section 5

gallows (n): a framework with a suspended noose for the hanging of criminals
marshes (n): low-lying, watery ground
spinet (n): s kind of small piano or harpsichord
sparsely (adv): thinly scattered; not dense
skirting (v): going or situating along the edge of
frenzied (adj): in a state of violence or agitation

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