Friday, September 28, 2012

Midterm Study Guide 6A,6B,7B (for Tuesday 10/2)

Midterm Study Guide
Literature & Composition 6A, 6B, 7A
1st Quarter 2012
Vocabulary Units 1-4
1. Recognize the definition (Matching or Multiple Choice)
2. Use the word in context (Word bank/Fill-in-the-blank or Multiple Choice)
1. Parts of Speech: Define/Identify (when used in a sentence)
a. Nouns
i. Proper/Common
ii. Abstract/Concrete
iii. Singular/Plural/Collective
b. Verbs
c. Adjectives
d. Adverbs
e. Pronouns
2. Complete Sentences: Define/Identify
a. Sentence Fragments
b. Subject
c. Predicate
3. Sentence Diagramming
1. Major Plot Points (True/False or Multiple Choice)
2. Characters (Fill in the blank, Matching, T/F, Mult. Choice)
3. Setting (Fill in the blank, Matching, T/F, Mult. Choice)

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