Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lit Journal Reflection

Hey, guys! I'm sorry for the tardiness of this post. I thought I had uploaded it on Friday evening, but when I went to check it today I realized it wasn't up. Hopefully you are able to do it tonight or you contacted a homework buddy! Make sure you are still practicing those vocab words and roots 10-15 minutes every day! I will see you tomorrow with your novel and Lit Journal in addition to the usuals! :)

6A/6B Reflection Prompts for Chapter 4: Choose 1 to answer with a thoughtful paragraph in your Lit Journal (composition notebook). 

Why is there a discrepancy between Badger's reputation and his actions? What can we learn from this?

Why is Rat so uneasy underground and Badger so uneasy above ground? How does this affect their friendships? How does being uncomfortable affect your friendships?

7B Answer with a thoughtful paragraph in your Lit Journal (composition notebook). Remember to support your opinions and ideas with explanation and examples from your life or from the text.

Is violence necessary? Why or why not? How can one determine if and when one should act violently?

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