Wednesday, October 31, 2012

6A Wind in the Willows Reflection

Write a paragraph of 4-5 sentences in response to one of the discussion prompts provided by your classmates. Format as follows:
Topic sentence (state your opinion and the main reason for your opinion).
Supporting example (Give an example from the story- even better to mention the chapter)
Explain how that example supports your opinion. (This could be more than one sentence if you feel that is necessary)
Concluding Sentence (Persuasively restate your opinion)

Why did his friends not return to Rat to prison for his safety and the benefit of society?

 Has Toad changed as a result of any of his adventures?

Was Badger wise in revealing the secret tunnel to Toad?

What kind of relationship do you think Toad had with his family?

Why is Toad always changing his mind?

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