Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Glossary of Johnny Tremain Chapter 2

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Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Chapter 2 Glossary

Section 1

prosperous (adj): financially successful
ruddy (adj): red in color
slavishly (adv): done like a slave
coarse (adj): rough
 proportion (n): having the correct size in relation to other things
ware (n): manufactured goods
unexpired (adj): not yet having come to an end, still valid
shunt (v): to divert into an alternate course

Section 2

tyranny (n): rule by force
dire (adj): desperate
tediously (adv): slowly, dully
mundane (adj): dull, usual, typical
 customary (adj): usual
eloquence (n): fluent, powerful speech
piteous (adj): sorrowful, mournful
stocks (n): an instrument of punishment in which the head and/or limbs of the offender were locked

Section 3

hitch (n): a slight jerk
bellows (n): devices used to create puffs of air by pumping
insufferable (adj): unbearable
ingot (n): a brick-shaped piece of cast metal
turnip watch (n): a large, clunky pocket watch
wink (v): to gleam or flash intermittedly
poultice (n): a soft, moist mass of cloth, bread, herbs, etc. applied hot to heal a wound
midwife (n): a person trained to assist women in childbirth

Section 4a

linseed (n): a plant whose oil is used for painting or nutritional purposes
cackle (n): the loud clucking noise of a hen; a witch-like laugh
resort (v): to turn for help
vast (adj): great in area or size
ulceration (n): a sore or open wound
laudanum (n): opium (drug) used to put people to sleep
abate (v): to make or become less
competent (adj): having the ability to do what is required

 Section 4b

reprove (v): to scold or condemn
muck (v): to make dirty
porter (n): a person employed to carry cargo or luggage
mete (v): to distribute
 thimble (n): a small metal cap protecting the finger which pushes the needle in sewing
coopering (v): making barrels or tubs
maim (v): to wound or hurt so that some part of the body is useless
derrick (n): a crane with one long arm anchored to the ground or a center post

Section 5

skein (n): a loose bundle of yarn
berate (v): to scold
mutual (adj): shared
extravagant (adj): spending excessively
glint (n): flash of light
loiter (v): to linger or stand about
repentant (adj): feeling sorry or regretful
erstwhile (adj): formerly

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