Friday, December 7, 2012

Johnny Tremain Chapter 4 Glossary

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
Chapter 4 Glossary
Section 1

Contentment (n): satisfaction with what one has
Wary (adj): cautious; looking out for danger or difficulty
Ledgers (n): books used by businesses to record income and expenses
Barrier (n): something that prevents or controls advance, access or progress
Suitors (n): men courting women
Invoices (n): lists of goods sent or services performed with prices and charges; bill
Gibe (n): a jerering remark
Bidding (n): command
Sanctuary (n): a sacred place of protection
Contrasting (adj): differing or opposing
Jutting (adj): projecting
Tallow (adj): like animal fat
Threshold (n): a piece of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway
Elated (adj): feeling pleased, happy or prud
Prodigal (adj): wasteful with money or resources
Cherubic (adj): like an angel with a plump face

Section 2

Cordially (adv): in warm and friendly way
exuberant (adj) full of high spirits; very lively (adj): lacking self-confidence
spinster (n): an unmarried woman
paring (v): trimming by cutting away edges
translucent (adj): allowing light to pass through
pompous (adj): full of ostentatious dignity and self importance
Whig (n): A supporter of the American Revolution
Tory (n): colonist loyal to England
Immaculate (adj): spotlessly clean; free from fault

Section 3

Apparition (n): ghost
Assent (n): agreement
Yonder (adv): over there
Alias (n): a false name
Nonchalance (adj): calm, casual
Florid (adj): elaborate or innate

Indenture (n): a written agreement or contract

Section 4

Section 5

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