Sunday, August 26, 2012

7A homework mishap

Students of 7A--

I know I assigned exercise 4, but it does not appear to exist.  You are off the hook!  See you tomorrow.

Yours Truly,
Miss Fischer

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Vocabulary & Grammar Quiz 8/24/12

6A, 6B, 7B Lit Comp
Study Guide: Vocab/Grammar Quiz 2a
Please note that this study guide should be used to help you focus your efforts when studying. It is not a detailed account of what will be on the quiz. Not all things listed below may be on the quiz.

Vocab:  On the quiz you could be asked to
1. Provide the meaning of each root
2. Match the word to the definition
3. Sort the words to their roots

Grammar: This week we reviewed Sentences, Subjects, Predicates, and Sentence Diagramming, definitions were entered into the Grammar Notebook last week and were taken from the Warriner’s Textbook.

You should be able to define, identify in a sentence, or produce to complete a sentence a complete subject, simple subject, complete predicate, or simple predicate as we have done in Homework Exercises as well as in-class warm-ups.
You should be able to diagram a simple subject-simple predicate sentence.

We added the following to our Grammar Notebook: (due to the number of absences, I decided to include our definitions)
Parts of Speech- Words used to express…
1. noun-names a thing (person, place, object (living or non-living), feeling, quality)
2. verb- portrays action or state of being
3. adjective- describes or limits a noun
4. adverb- describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb
5. pronoun- stands in for a noun
6. preposition- denotes directionality in time and space
7. conjunction- joins words phrases, or clauses
8. Interjection- expresses emotion

You should be able to label the parts of speech of designated words in a sentence.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Suffixes Change Parts of Speech

Frequent Function
able, ible
able, can do
capable, agreeable, visible
verb ® adjective
result of action
blockade, lemonade
verb or noun ® noun
act of, state of, collection of
salvage, storage, forage
added to root words (often French) to form a noun
relating to
sensual, gradual, manual, natural
verb or noun ® adjective
an, ian
native of, pertaining to
American, Martian, antediluvian
noun ® adjective
ance, ancy
action, process, state
assistance, allowance, defiance
verb ® noun
performing, agent
assistant, servant
verb ® noun
cause, make
liquidate, segregate
noun or adjective ® verb
having a specific skill
magician, optician, physician
thing noun ® person noun
origin, nature, resembling
Spanish, foolish,
noun ® adjective (however, often the adjective is used as a noun. ex: "The Spanish" meaning the people of Spain)
to make (like)
emphasize, anthropomorphize
noun®  verb
worthless, mindless, guileless
noun ® adjective
clearly, fearlessly
noun or adjective ® adverb
state of
carelessness, uselessness
adjective ® noun

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hi everyone--

This is just a reminder that students struggling with grammar or vocabulary should feel free to see Miss Smith for tutoring Tuesday and Thursday during lunch.  This also applies to students in Miss Fischer's class.

Miss Fischer

Friday, August 17, 2012

class average

Oh, 7A, how far you have fallen; your class average this week is 77%.  Let's get it back up past 90% next week.  You can do it!

Miss Fischer

Monday, August 13, 2012

LitComp 6A/B and 7B

Hello, student and families!

I just wanted to clarify that henceforth homework will not be going up on the blog. I posted homework last week because many students hadn't had a chance to get the books and I was willing to get you through the first week. I also want to make sure to let you know that I have not made this decision because I am lazy or mean. :) Organization and responsibility are two of the greatest strengths that will serve you not only throughout your academic career here at Great Hearts, but through life as well! As a person who often struggles with organization, I can tell you that the only way to manage is to develop strong habits. Set your routines and follow them every day! I have done several steps for you already: At the end of class, I ask you to take out your agendas and record your homework. I write it up on the left side of the board (viewable from the window), next to your section, under the word "HOMEWORK". I review the directions for the assignment, remind you of any supplies you may need to bring home, and take questions. Should there have been some extenuating circumstance during my class which prevented you from recording your homework when you were directed to do so, you have several available options! You may stop by my classroom and record it from the board as it stays there until class the next day. You may ask a friend before or after your next class to show you their agenda. You may exchange phone numbers with a student in your section who can share the assignments with you. Please let me know if you are still concerned about your ability to record your homework nightly. I am happy to sit down with you at lunch to discuss these concerns and come up with strategies to overcome any challenges which prevent you from successfully going home with all necessary materials and information.

Thank you!
Miss Smith

Vocab Quiz

Congrats to 7A who achieved a class average of 93% on their vocab quiz!

Miss Fischer

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

7th grade consumable alert!

Hi everybody--

Please have your 7th-grade student bring in The Call of the Wild on Friday, August 10th.  Students who do  not bring materials to class will be handed an automatic detention; a fate we would not wish upon any of your children for something so preventable!  If you need assistance purchasing books, please contact Mrs. McHenry, the office manager at

Thank you!

Yours Truly,
Miss Fischer and Miss Smith

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Homework tonight (8/7/12)

Hi all--

Here are the homework pages for 6th grade:

The seventh grade homework is in Warriner's II, which each seventh grader received today.  Remember, anyone who comes without his/her homework done will be sent to the Buddy Room to finish it.

Thank you,
Miss Fischer and Miss Smith

Monday, August 6, 2012

tonight's homework for SEVENTH grade

Good afternoon.  I am posting the pages needed for tonight's homework for 7A and 7B, seeing as there was some confusion over which Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots book to purchase.  Please purchase the correct book ASAP.

Have a wonderful evening!

tonight's homework for SIXTH grade

Some students said they still lacked their books, or that they had the incorrect book.  I am posting the homework for sixth grade on this post, and seventh grade on the next post.  Please be sure to get the correct book ASAP.

Miss Fischer

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! Just a few reminders about what you will need for LitComp tomorrow:

Entrance Ticket: Signed Syllabus

Homework: 2 paragraphs written on the most memorable story you can recall.
(I would suggest one paragraph describing the story: the characters, the overall plot, the format- book, oral story, etc.- and the second paragraph explaining why this story is so memorable for you.)

  • 3x5 cards (at least 20) & Case
  • Pen for flash cards
  • Spiral Notebook
  • Agenda/Planner 
 Also, be thinking of your superlative adjective if you haven't claimed yours already! :)

It was wonderful to meet you all and we look forward to a great week!

Miss Smith & Miss Fischer