Thursday, August 23, 2012

Vocabulary & Grammar Quiz 8/24/12

6A, 6B, 7B Lit Comp
Study Guide: Vocab/Grammar Quiz 2a
Please note that this study guide should be used to help you focus your efforts when studying. It is not a detailed account of what will be on the quiz. Not all things listed below may be on the quiz.

Vocab:  On the quiz you could be asked to
1. Provide the meaning of each root
2. Match the word to the definition
3. Sort the words to their roots

Grammar: This week we reviewed Sentences, Subjects, Predicates, and Sentence Diagramming, definitions were entered into the Grammar Notebook last week and were taken from the Warriner’s Textbook.

You should be able to define, identify in a sentence, or produce to complete a sentence a complete subject, simple subject, complete predicate, or simple predicate as we have done in Homework Exercises as well as in-class warm-ups.
You should be able to diagram a simple subject-simple predicate sentence.

We added the following to our Grammar Notebook: (due to the number of absences, I decided to include our definitions)
Parts of Speech- Words used to express…
1. noun-names a thing (person, place, object (living or non-living), feeling, quality)
2. verb- portrays action or state of being
3. adjective- describes or limits a noun
4. adverb- describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb
5. pronoun- stands in for a noun
6. preposition- denotes directionality in time and space
7. conjunction- joins words phrases, or clauses
8. Interjection- expresses emotion

You should be able to label the parts of speech of designated words in a sentence.

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