Monday, August 13, 2012

LitComp 6A/B and 7B

Hello, student and families!

I just wanted to clarify that henceforth homework will not be going up on the blog. I posted homework last week because many students hadn't had a chance to get the books and I was willing to get you through the first week. I also want to make sure to let you know that I have not made this decision because I am lazy or mean. :) Organization and responsibility are two of the greatest strengths that will serve you not only throughout your academic career here at Great Hearts, but through life as well! As a person who often struggles with organization, I can tell you that the only way to manage is to develop strong habits. Set your routines and follow them every day! I have done several steps for you already: At the end of class, I ask you to take out your agendas and record your homework. I write it up on the left side of the board (viewable from the window), next to your section, under the word "HOMEWORK". I review the directions for the assignment, remind you of any supplies you may need to bring home, and take questions. Should there have been some extenuating circumstance during my class which prevented you from recording your homework when you were directed to do so, you have several available options! You may stop by my classroom and record it from the board as it stays there until class the next day. You may ask a friend before or after your next class to show you their agenda. You may exchange phone numbers with a student in your section who can share the assignments with you. Please let me know if you are still concerned about your ability to record your homework nightly. I am happy to sit down with you at lunch to discuss these concerns and come up with strategies to overcome any challenges which prevent you from successfully going home with all necessary materials and information.

Thank you!
Miss Smith

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