Sunday, August 5, 2012

We hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! Just a few reminders about what you will need for LitComp tomorrow:

Entrance Ticket: Signed Syllabus

Homework: 2 paragraphs written on the most memorable story you can recall.
(I would suggest one paragraph describing the story: the characters, the overall plot, the format- book, oral story, etc.- and the second paragraph explaining why this story is so memorable for you.)

  • 3x5 cards (at least 20) & Case
  • Pen for flash cards
  • Spiral Notebook
  • Agenda/Planner 
 Also, be thinking of your superlative adjective if you haven't claimed yours already! :)

It was wonderful to meet you all and we look forward to a great week!

Miss Smith & Miss Fischer

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